Many travel agencies require that their agents hold a liberal arts or business degree from a four-year college or university. With today’s Internet accessibility, the use of travel agents has dropped due to their higher price. Case in point, the local travel agent may only have deals with Singapore Airlines and Thai Airways but another travel agent, say from Tokyo, Japan, could have a deal with Japanese Airlines or Lufthansa.
If the payment should go to the agency, use the agency name and address on the W9/W8 form. Incidentally, there are not a lot of agencies restricting themselves exclusively to leisure travel. Dan paket wisata Santika Tours & Trevel Agency akan memberikan banyak potongan-potongan harga terhadap fasilitas wisata, yang mungkin tidak akan diperoleh bila bepergian sendiri.
In the valley of the recession in 2009, luxury and business travel took serious losses, especially compared to deeply discounted travel; traditional agents were hardest hit, losing nearly a quarter of their revenues. Booking and selling home based travel business agents earn a lot higher percentage of the overall commission-but they DO do a great deal more work.
Conversely, by limiting the number of companies that a travel agency represents, this can bring a better and more profitable, working relationship between the agency and its suppliers. Rahayu Travel menyediakan sarana angkutan penumpang dgn kualifikasi kelas executive.
Most travel agents rejoice when we can save our clients money with a great deal. Note: Only U.S. citizens living in the U.S. are eligible to be KHM Travel Agents. To locate the ASTA subscriber organization towards you, search your Travel agency Journey Web directory.