The answers to these questions are not as challenging as they may initially seem, but there are things to consider when performing your initial search. In other words, if you have a choice of fares leaving at 2 pm and midnight, and the airfare leaving at 2 pm is in economy and is more expensive than the same class airfare leaving at midnight, you can choose the 2 pm airfare. If the quoted airfare is not available, invalid or incorrect then we will endeavour to find you the best available alternative that suits your requirements.
You can search by flight departure time range, specific airline selection, you can also request results to include cheaper airfares within a specific departure date range, plus you have the facility to include searches using ‘low cost airline’ options.
Prices can range from $800 to $5000 an hour, so your definition of low airfare must be pretty broad to offset the steep price with your comfort needs. My favorites are for their consistently low flight price quotes and easy two click price checks, Cheaptickets,com for their large inventory of cheap airfare selections and for their huge selection of customized flight results.
Booking three to six months before your trip will usually give you the most options and the best airfare deals. Additionally, DCAA published audit guidelines on March 22, 2010 that require specific documentation to exceptions of the cheapest available airfare.
At a time when major airlines are hiking up airfare for the summer rush, several low-cost carriers are offering rock-bottom prices for long haul flights. There are many websites that search not only a variety of airlines, but that also search other websites to compare airfare and find you the best price.